Saturday, August 22, 2009

Doggy door

I did a doggy door at my master bedroom's door for my dog to use. It cost me an additional $120 on top of the normal price for a door.
But my dog refuse or can say scare to use it. As I think he finds it too heavy. As I find it heavy too.
Today tried to force him to use it. I tried to push him through the flap. Indeed I manage to push him through, but end up it caught my middle finger. Now it is abit swollen and blue-black. Sob sob..
May :(

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our 1st week in our new nest.


So fast, a week had passed. We have stayed here for 1 week already.

Funiture are in, necessary stuffs are unpacked. But there are lots of boxes left untouched.

Getting lazy lao.. Haha.. Everyday I fell so tired.. :'(

I did some DIY stuffsfor my bedroom yest. So happy :) Maybe will try to do some for other walls as well..

May (^.^)

A simple home cooked dinner on 13 Aug 09.

Today hubby decide to cook a meal for me. It's the 1st time since I know him that he cooked a meal for me. From beginning till end.. He did it all by himself. :)

Although it's just a simple meal, but it's better than nothing. Hmm... Din know hw can cook.. Hahah...

Wonder will it be the one and only time... (O,o)

May :)