Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boi's 1st Birthday Cake


This morning, after me and my hubby washed up. We went to get the birthday cake out from the fridge for our doggy. He was so excited as if he knows we are giving him something special today.

After taking out the strawberry cake, I placed it near the edge of my kitchen table top. He was trying all means to reached it. Jumping and smelling.. :D

It was the 1st time I celebrated his birthday like this and also his 1st birthday in our new home.
After singing him a birthday song, I cut the cake into pieces and place them in his bowl.
He enjoyed it very much. Soon he finish the cake. When he lifted up his face to look at me.
He was in a mess!!! His face was covered with cream.

Time for showered.. HaHa.. Hubby brought him into the toilet for his weekly shower while I clean his bowl... So happy to see him enjoying his cake :)

May (^.^)