Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home cook meal for Boi


This is the 2nd time I cooked some home-made food for my Boi.. After 5 yrs than I learned to cook for him.. Feel so guilty towards him..

Maybe it's because I have my own place now too.. :p

So now, I will try to cook more often for him.. Let him eat more tasty and healthy food..
He loves them too.. Look at his face when I prepare his food makes me happy... Yum Yum :)

Brown rice, pumpkin, celery and salmon.

His meals for the next 3 days..

May :)

Our Honeymoon 29 Dec 2009 ~ 07 Jan 2010

Finally it's our honeymoon time. After 1 yr+ from our wedding.

We are setting off to Taipei and to celebrate our new year too.

Good advice is to book your JetStar flights online early.. At least 3 mths in advance to get a good price for the air tickets. We booked for our flights just after X'mas and 3 days before the NewYear. 700++ for 2. :)

Our room at WONSTAR XiMenTing Hotel. Yes.. there is another WONSTAR in Taipei.. Not too bad though..

One of the entrance at XiMenTing
Do you see Ah Mao?
Their Easycard our Ezlink.

YeePee!! We've "marked" at 'Yu Ren Ma Tou'

Our tired feet.. After all the walking.

Our spot for the night before count down to 2010. 3 more hours to go!
Best place with good view at the Taipei101 tower and the pulled-up screen of the 'Kua Nian' concert. And a "seat" too.. hee.

Look at the crowd here to welcome Yr2010. It was reported that there are 60k people here alone!

Happy New Year. !!!

On our way to PS bubu car theme restaurant.

May :)