Thursday, January 28, 2010

Home cook meal for Boi


This is the 2nd time I cooked some home-made food for my Boi.. After 5 yrs than I learned to cook for him.. Feel so guilty towards him..

Maybe it's because I have my own place now too.. :p

So now, I will try to cook more often for him.. Let him eat more tasty and healthy food..
He loves them too.. Look at his face when I prepare his food makes me happy... Yum Yum :)

Brown rice, pumpkin, celery and salmon.

His meals for the next 3 days..

May :)

Our Honeymoon 29 Dec 2009 ~ 07 Jan 2010

Finally it's our honeymoon time. After 1 yr+ from our wedding.

We are setting off to Taipei and to celebrate our new year too.

Good advice is to book your JetStar flights online early.. At least 3 mths in advance to get a good price for the air tickets. We booked for our flights just after X'mas and 3 days before the NewYear. 700++ for 2. :)

Our room at WONSTAR XiMenTing Hotel. Yes.. there is another WONSTAR in Taipei.. Not too bad though..

One of the entrance at XiMenTing
Do you see Ah Mao?
Their Easycard our Ezlink.

YeePee!! We've "marked" at 'Yu Ren Ma Tou'

Our tired feet.. After all the walking.

Our spot for the night before count down to 2010. 3 more hours to go!
Best place with good view at the Taipei101 tower and the pulled-up screen of the 'Kua Nian' concert. And a "seat" too.. hee.

Look at the crowd here to welcome Yr2010. It was reported that there are 60k people here alone!

Happy New Year. !!!

On our way to PS bubu car theme restaurant.

May :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

It's Christmas.. Especially it's the 1st Christmas in our own home...

Since it's our 1st, we decided to get a Christmas tree to brighten up our place.
Isn't it pretty...... :) got it at NTUC

May ;)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wall decal


Today went Self-fix and saw some wall decal.. Saw 2 designs which we quite like.. Therefore, we decide to give it a try at home.. This is one of them which we try out once we reached home.. Took us quite some time to get it up..
I even accidentally peel a piece of paint out when I try to remove the decal as I find it out of alignment.. Was so angry with myself.. :( But hubby console me by saying it will be covered by the decal...

Isn't the it cute... Added new members to my home today..

May :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boi's 1st Birthday Cake


This morning, after me and my hubby washed up. We went to get the birthday cake out from the fridge for our doggy. He was so excited as if he knows we are giving him something special today.

After taking out the strawberry cake, I placed it near the edge of my kitchen table top. He was trying all means to reached it. Jumping and smelling.. :D

It was the 1st time I celebrated his birthday like this and also his 1st birthday in our new home.
After singing him a birthday song, I cut the cake into pieces and place them in his bowl.
He enjoyed it very much. Soon he finish the cake. When he lifted up his face to look at me.
He was in a mess!!! His face was covered with cream.

Time for showered.. HaHa.. Hubby brought him into the toilet for his weekly shower while I clean his bowl... So happy to see him enjoying his cake :)

May (^.^)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Boi's birthday

Today me and my hubby went to search for a pet bakery shop @ Turf City Road. Wanted to get a belated birthday cake for my doggy.. I was sooooo guilty. I actually forgot his birthday!!!!!!!!! It was his 1st birthday in our new home... Although it's a few days late.. I hope I can make up for it... So I went online and found this shop.

When we were about to leave home. It started to rain cats & dogs. Almost can't see where we are going. When we are at Turf City, the roads around there are quite dark. With not much lights. We made afew turns before we finally found the shop.. As we entered the shop.. I walk straight to the cake session. There were 3 mini cakes, Strawberry, Banana and Pandan. We choose the strawberry for him.. It's the 1st birthday cake I bought for him.. After that we went to look at other treats for him too.. Bought 2 mini pizza, 1 lamb bone, 1 chocolate bone & 2 apple buns.. He will definitely love them!!!!

When we are home, I gave him 1 pizza and hubby gave him 1 apple bun.. He happily bring it to the floor map and enjoy them slowly.. So happy looking at him enjoying himself :D
Tomorrow I will give him his cake.. I can imagine him eating it and making a big mess on himself (*o*)

Looks yummy ;p

May :)

Installation of the Optical Cable, 31-10-09

Today is the day to install the Optical cable from Open Net. In order not to damage my boxup too much. My contractor suggested to cut holes on the "box-up" near the designated install location.
The OpenNet contractors took quite a while to lay the fibre-optic cable in the "box-up" as there are aluminum structures inside. So its very difficult to "pull" the cable to the point.
Inevitably, the contractor had to cut 3 holes on our wall.
Took almost 2 hours to complete the installation, afterthat a measurement was taken to ensure the proper signals are present.

Has informed about this job to our reno contractor, and soon enough a sub-con came over to "touch-up" our wall. The holes were patched and plastered, but whats lacking is the paint. Previously, our contractor have left the leftover paints to us, all BUT the paint for our living room, which is "bluebel white" from Nippon. :(
Will have to get it from retail shops, but risk not getting the exact matching colour tone against our wall colours. No choice, otherwise will be 3 ugly patches on the wall.
Lets see how it goes after we get the paint and touch-up the area. Will post the results next time.
