Saturday, October 31, 2009

Installation of the Optical Cable, 31-10-09

Today is the day to install the Optical cable from Open Net. In order not to damage my boxup too much. My contractor suggested to cut holes on the "box-up" near the designated install location.
The OpenNet contractors took quite a while to lay the fibre-optic cable in the "box-up" as there are aluminum structures inside. So its very difficult to "pull" the cable to the point.
Inevitably, the contractor had to cut 3 holes on our wall.
Took almost 2 hours to complete the installation, afterthat a measurement was taken to ensure the proper signals are present.

Has informed about this job to our reno contractor, and soon enough a sub-con came over to "touch-up" our wall. The holes were patched and plastered, but whats lacking is the paint. Previously, our contractor have left the leftover paints to us, all BUT the paint for our living room, which is "bluebel white" from Nippon. :(
Will have to get it from retail shops, but risk not getting the exact matching colour tone against our wall colours. No choice, otherwise will be 3 ugly patches on the wall.
Lets see how it goes after we get the paint and touch-up the area. Will post the results next time.


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